A maaassive secret

Aug/13/2022 12:23:56

hello upper east siders ! you will never know who and where stashes at night
xoxo gossip girl
Posted by GossipGirl

See more blogs of GossipGirl

JC 2022-9-13 23:01;04
Greetings Gossip Girl, You may have abandoned us but I can’t forget you. And I don’t want to. Where are you, come back and be the cold bitch that you are and wreck havoc on everyone with all the gossip you’ve been sent.
xoxo, JC

Miley 2022-12-6 15:54;13
Dear GG,
Spill the tea! I understand that you need proof to be able to upload but even a miniscule white lie will spark some villian in my empty soul!

Anonymous 2022-12-26 22:43;56
Well well well, I got some gossip for you than. You see the

Hugh 2022-12-29 21:09;19
Don’t lie

hola 2023-3-16 03:03;22
que asco dan los gatos, bie

Katlinpinnell 2023-5-3 16:26;32

Paris 2023-5-22 06:59;08
O M G!

Wednesday 2023-7-1 12:51;12
A new season of Wednesday is on its way

Wednesday 2023-7-10 23:38;44
A new season of Wednesday is on its way

Blair 2023-7-20 00:08;07
Hey GG, ich würde dir ja gerne schlimme Geheimnisse sagen aber ich denke dafür ist es zu früh


Gossip girl 2023-7-23 20:58;11
Hey Mateus ilysm pls come back to me

luduvic 2023-8-2 23:07;43
sou o único brasileiro que só descobriu esse site agr??

CC 2023-8-10 05:37;10
Omg why does everything suck. I literally and absolutely cannot believe Blair kisses Dan. The audacity? Also this pimple on my forehead is really getting on my nerves!

S-VDW 2023-8-11 21:15;20
omg my opp gossip girl go suck yourself always praying on my downfall

sssss 2023-8-14 15:35;48
did u think anyones care

Lisa 2023-8-16 21:13;51
Omg Nate and Jenny kissing some drama is happening here!!

Lia 2023-8-17 18:27;55
Omg, bring it back.

blair 2023-8-19 09:54;52
Omg im litterally team Chuck and Blair

GOSSIP GIRL 2023-8-22 18:47;56

Archie 2023-8-23 09:45;56
You know you love me...


Constance_billard 2023-8-24 02:23;03
Morning upper east siders did u miss me? Well i sure missed u. And i have some dirt on our faves you would love to find out

Constance_billard 2023-8-24 02:23;03
Morning upper east siders did u miss me? Well i sure missed u. And i have some dirt on our faves you would love to find out

0.0 2023-8-26 01:50;22

Anonymous 2023-9-3 13:24;48
I absolutely have so many favorite parts theirs season 1 season 6 where Blair and chuck gets married and season 6 episode 9 and 11

Anonymous 2023-9-3 13:26;04
I really want more gossip Gir seasons we miss yall

Anonymous 2023-9-6 15:15;28
What's the real reason Dan and Serena aren't on speaking terms? Because Dan kissed Blair, or Georgina? Is the entire upper east side curious to know the real thing about this, or is there something else?

B 2023-10-3 05:21;14
Can you shut up?

Anonymous 2023-10-18 06:03;39
i hate rufus

Gossip Girl 2023 2023-10-18 13:47;06
Gossip Girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous lives of celebrities in the world.

You haven't forgotten me, have you? I'm the real Gossip Girl. A new insta and website are coming but which ones will be safe? That's for you to decide. Not me. Be honest, it's boring without me. If you haven't done anything you have nothing to fear, am I wrong? I'll see you on the other side of the world because I'm bigger than just New York and you'll soon see that. Who am I? It's a secret I never tell

XOXO Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl 2023 2023-10-18 13:48;29
Sorry guys i have change don’t coming back is all fake

Xoxo 2023-10-25 04:43;01
Summer brown is a slut who sleeps with 20 men
. Xoxo

Secret 2023-10-26 14:47;27
If u havent alll ready guessed go on insta a search adelisa.n shes our school biggest and no offense ugliest sucking bitch and a huge slut dont believe me check it for ur self girly xoxo

Secret 2023-10-26 14:47;34
If u havent alll ready guessed go on insta a search adelisa.n shes our school biggest and no offense ugliest sucking bitch and a huge slut dont believe me check it for ur self girly xoxo

Secret 2023-10-26 14:47;41
If u havent alll ready guessed go on insta a search adelisa.n shes our school biggest and no offense ugliest sucking bitch and a huge slut dont believe me check it for ur self girly xoxo

Princess run away 2023-10-27 15:13;16
Spotted: Queen b ditching her prince charming for lonely boy. Is it turning from royalty to peasant. Things just got interesting, ill keep you posted

GG 2023-10-30 05:09;50

FERIEL 2023-12-20 15:52;43
happy holidays

Sluttypunpikin69 2023-12-31 11:04;26
OMG stray facts girlzzz🔥🔥🔥

ManuelIst 2023-12-31 14:48;31
Some Jackass just hit my car and now Im having sex with hum, ;)

Sluttypunpikin69 2023-12-31 14:57;08
Its fucked up but that guy its so sad i hope you fucked is mom well.:)

Sluttypunpikin69 2023-12-31 17:30;19
Gajo atrasado a mamar gaja ruiva pintada na festa louca do dumdum,insanooooo 😮😮😮😮

Sluttypunpikin69 2024-1-2 11:44;55
Nao me roubes o nome cabra de merda vou comer a tua cota por causa disso

D.💋 2024-1-20 02:55;20
Jessica and Aaliyah Our cringest couple
ever caught having a special moment
in Jessica’s bedroom don’t believe check for yourselves on tik tok @ 0verd0sedlol

Berserk🔥😈⚽️ 2024-1-20 02:59;44
I miss her so much why did i fuck up
every thing it’s all my fault

not important 2024-1-27 02:06;29

@gossipgirl.blog 2024-1-27 02:24;31
Hey Northern suburbans Gossip Girl here. And i have the biggest news ever. looks like Jessica and one anonymous
blogger are having a cat fight over a girl. let’s just wait for Aaliyah to come back from Vacation cause that’s when the real fight begins looks like anonymous blogger has pulled a Coup d’état


posted by @gossipgirl

not important 2024-1-27 03:13;49
ame stfu

d.💋 2024-1-27 12:29;05

lola 2024-1-29 19:22;06
hey uper east siders

Anonymous 2024-1-29 19:22;47

gossipgirl.blog 2024-1-30 08:58;39
Heyy Northern Suburbans
Gossip Girl here your one and only source into the lives of crawford’s elite looks like lucia’s on the fast track into the inner circle with the popular girls won’t be long till she’s plotting Zuni Lior Una and Amy’s downfall. Here’s an inside tip Lucia the faster you rise the harder you fall Daddy will have a home-cooked meal for our fat bitch at home for when all the popular girls inevitably sends you home in tears. Hope that all those hours you spend doxxing and talking about everyone has trained you to design something that doubles as a parachute.💋

xoxo gg

gossipgirl.blog 2024-1-30 09:46;28
Heyy Northern Suburbans
Gossip Girl here your one and only source into the lives of crawford’s elite looks like lucia’s on the fast track into the inner circle with the popular girls won’t be long till she’s plotting Zuni Lior Una and Amy’s downfall. Here’s an inside tip Lucia the faster you rise the harder you fall Daddy will have a home-cooked meal for our fat bitch at home for when all the popular girls inevitably sends you home in tears. Hope that all those hours you spend doxxing and talking about everyone has trained you to design something that doubles as a parachute.💋

xoxo gg

Anonymous 2024-2-11 08:52;30
Better Watch Your Back Seya

Anonymous 2024-2-23 02:01;14
Hey Northern Suburbans Gossip girl here.And I’m back for more gossip that is, Zoe thinks she on top of the world tjis year little does she know we have some dirt on her northern suburbans gossip girl needs help digging the dirt on Zoe. Here’s a tip Zoe the higher you rise the harder you fall.

Xoxo gg.💋

Anonymous 2024-3-3 21:06;39
We heard J finally took A's meltdown as a wake up call for her to break up with him. But was it entirely her decision or did M force her to break up with A's hot head.

obfvexpose 2024-3-3 21:10;43
Summer's finally nearing its arrival and we hear its not only QC heating up. Ask around, and M will give you the vibrations to your answer.

obfvexpose 2024-3-3 21:15;30
We heard it's not only Great Britain singing

obfvexpose 2024-3-3 21:18;57
Taylor Swift once said,

Gossipgirl 2024-3-8 06:49;33
Look’s like Andrew had a complete meltdown when he saw his ex best friend or that’s what we’ve heard hanging out with his old friend group don’t be sad Andrew we have an even bigger surprise for you next week

Gossipgirl 2024-3-13 00:28;36
Hey Upper east spiders gossip girl here
And seems like Andrew’s ex best friend has been talking shit about him and we think his ex best friends mom is a drug addict spotted Daniel’s mom buying weed seems like being a crackled runs in the family.

WWnonymous2182 2024-4-1 09:47;28
GG New gossip here!!! There's a girl who thinks she's better than everyone. I think it needs to be lowered to a low point, don't you??

Anonymous 2024-4-18 19:56;17

Gossip girl 2024-4-24 01:18;48
Heyyyyy girlsssssss

Gossip girl 2024-4-24 01:19;21
I saw Serena in subway today!!!

@gossipgirl 2024-5-29 03:36;28
Good morning Upper East Siders, Gossip Girl here, your one and only source about the scandalous lives of Randburgs elite.

Anonymous. 2024-5-31 05:45;32
Hey GG u saw Lonley boy and s fighting in Central Park , lonely boy ended up alone xoxo

sowhat 2024-7-26 08:44;43
omggg girl so much has happen please keep posting please i need you to fill the void of gossip in my brain please you cold cold just cold please post i am begging you

Anonymous 2024-7-27 02:52;36
spotted emma gaselle kissing her best friends ex better watch out ems georgie has some dirt on you

ella rose 2024-9-21 05:13;05
Go to kings new gossip girl on Instagram

stxrlvwy 2024-11-10 08:01;44
La ailyn de mi colegio no la aguanto es demasiado doble cara intenta Devorar pero no puede

Anonymous 2024-11-24 22:32;17
blake lively, superstar or fallen star??

Brodie jess 2024-12-1 07:26;37
Hello I live in a town in Scotland a town that no one knows somewhere unexpected to have gossip but everyday there’s some gossip on Friday there was an argument with fists and a bit of crush telling unfortunately I found out my enemy told my friends crush so i told everyone one hers if you’re looking for names Emmie likes Jack I hope that gets out because Emmie is a bitch I’m out xoxo

Chuck Bass 2024-12-21 12:55;47
I'm Chuck Bass.

xoxo 2024-12-24 03:54;01
Well , well , we knew Blake was not the bad guy, but did you take her side? xoxo

gossip girl 2025-1-9 16:26;29
Quien tiene mas cuernos delfina o ariadna mientras felipe se hablaba con 3 chicas mas estando con ariadna, ramiro le decia a antonella que la amaba y que le re gustaba, lo mejor es q hay chats.

Chloe 2025-1-10 05:51;48
I didn’t know this existed

V 2025-1-10 09:58;19
who created this blog?

D 2025-1-20 17:51;12
Why didn't anyone tell me about this

D 2025-1-20 17:53;52
This girl in my skl she has no bodys but she gave someone 🙇‍♀️ and the guy said she bit his d.😭

Y 2025-1-20 23:15;12
aint no way this exists
XOXO, Gossip girl

GossipBoy 2025-1-21 23:34;44
Me after watching 3 episodes of Gossip Girl

E.S. 2025-1-22 05:44;42
Gossip ... ho baciato il ragazzo della mia amica

Xoxo 💋

Y 2025-1-22 22:42;03
Hello upper east siders Y is back again with some gossip dan and blair are dating what a suprise i must say looks like lonely boy and weakened B solved there issues in another way i might say anyways see yall again
XOXO, Gossip girl

D 2025-1-29 15:05;52
I wish more people saw this
XOXO Gossip girl💋

B 2025-2-14 09:33;29
I just found out this page
U know u love me XOXO Gossip Girl

Truly 2025-2-22 19:25;36
This is truly amazing, can we all collectively tell everyone 😭

N 2025-2-23 10:43;29
omg i wish more people use this blog

Anonymous 2025-2-27 10:21;03
gossip girl js an amazing show i don’t want to finish it
xoxo gossip girl 😔

anama 2025-2-27 10:22;33
imagine if ppl actually used this blog and treated it like the actual gossip girl blog oh my

@gossipgirl 2025-2-27 10:29;27
Hey upper east gossip girl here i was thinking why be nice and keep my mouth shut when people here aren’t so nice to keep there mouth shut today at 11:00 pm i will drop some news that will have everyone in shock and in disbelieve #xoxo gossip girl

J 2025-3-1 11:30;05
RIP the infamous Georgina Sparks, you will forever hold a special place in our scheming hearts. Rest easy G

rat muncher 2025-3-1 15:23;13

Bethebrat 2025-3-30 07:24;11
Gurl please come back your my only source of gossip

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